Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the Internet. Wikipedia
What is cloud computing?
What is cloud computing with example?
Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. ... As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.
What are the 3 types of cloud computing?

There are three main service models of cloud computing – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

How does cloud computing works?

Cloud computing is an application-based software infrastructure that stores data on remote serves, which can be accessed through the internet. ... The front end enables a user to access data stored in the cloud using an internet browser or a cloud computing software.

What are the benefits of cloud computing?
Benefits of cloud computing
  • Reduced IT costs. Moving to cloud computing may reduce the cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems. ...
  • Scalability. ...
  • Business continuity. ...
  • Collaboration efficiency. ...
  • Flexibility of work practices. ...
  • Access to automatic updates. ..
What are the 5 main types of clouds?
Ten Basic Clouds
  • Cirrus (Ci), Cirrocumulus (Cc), and Cirrostratus (Cs) are high level clouds. ...
  • Altocumulus (Ac), Altostratus (As), and Nimbostratus (Ns) are mid-level clouds They are composed primarily of water droplets. ...
  • Cumulus (Cu), Stratocumulus (Sc), Stratus (St), and Cumulonimbus (Cb) are low clouds composed of water droplets
What are the main components of cloud computing?
Components of Cloud Computing Architecture
  • Client Infrastructure. Client Infrastructure is a Front end component. ...
  • Application. The application may be any software or platform that a client wants to access.
  • Service. ...
  • Runtime Cloud. ...
  • Storage. ...
  • Infrastructure. ...
  • Management. ...
  • Security.
What comes after cloud computing?

Now cloud computing is going through a growth spurt of its own. The next wave of intelligent technologies that build onto the cloud is emerging, including the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

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